• Expect nothing ordinary

    Founded in 1974 by David and Fiona Lewis-Browne

  • The business started in what was then a small suburban house in Wynberg with a beautiful, welcoming courtyard, an orchard outback, and just a stone’s throw away from the growing central business district of Sandton. The family team of David, Fiona, and their daughter Cara, built a reputation based on their knowledge of the South African art industry, their NO-COMPROMISE ATTITUDE, absolute professionalism, and crafters of beautiful frames.

    From these small beginnings and two generations later, the successful and highly respected business was sold in 2017 by the retiring Lewis-Browne family. The new owners absorbed the production and manufacturing facilities, not to mention the skilled staff who have served DLB and its customers for over 45 years. Taking over the business meant a new era for existing clients, new relationships, and shifting allegiances, but most importantly, it meant new blood, fresh energy, and a DESIRE FOR SUCCESS.

    The Wynberg house has since grown: a new collaboration studio added, the assembly line capacitated, workshop space doubled, gilding studio defined and the beautiful courtyard still welcomes visitors to sit for a moment and take in this little oasis in Wynberg. This is where the framing JOURNEY BEGINS.